Friday 25 March 2011

Thank You Father!

Oh Father You are Great! Thank You so much for giving me another chance. Thank You so much for forgiving me, and trusting me. Thank You so much for setting me free in the second time. Thank You so much for YOU have answered my prayer. Thank You so much for giving me a chance to serve You. Oh Father, my heart is full of joy! You know my heart desire. For it is true that whoever says to his mountain, ' Be removed, and be cast into the sea', without any doubts in his heart, he will receive what he is praying for. For I am a living testimony for Your Word and promises, love and salvation.
Father, I want to offer my life unto YOU. Without condemnation in my heart, without hesitation, I will serve you and give the best out of me. For YOU are the author of my life, and everything that is in me is YOU. I turned away from my sin Lord, I choose to follow YOU and live like how You live. Father thank you. Thank You for your grace Lord, that made me strong. Thank You for Your Holy Word that guide me to my inheritance as Your daughter. Thank You for giving me wisdom and understanding. Thank You for the air that I breathe, for everything that You have done in my life. You are my God, and My Saviour. And I will declare that You alone, No other Name but the Name of JESUS!
Thanks God I'm FREE.

I Love You Father!


1 comment:

  1. Father I thank you for another day,I renew and i give my total alegiance to you ,Lord Jesus Christ,today and for the rest of my life to do your work,to do your will and obey you at all time,Thank you for your grace,favor and mercy that empowers me to live the life you've called me to, I recieve your grace by faith,help me to stay Obedient to your word and live as an example of you love and light,in JESUS name Amen.
